Ocie and Brandon attended the LaserTAG360 Convention in Indianapolis, IN last week. Here is a recap of their experience and some fun pictures!
What is LaserTAG360?
LaserTAG360 is a 2-day event designed to help you open a laser tag attraction at a new or existing facility. They bring together experts from every facet of the entertainment industry to deliver a well-rounded education. When they leave this event, they will have an action plan of where to go and how to get there.
What was your favorite part about the LaserTAG360 convention?
Being able to interact with all sides to include the individual operator. It helped me paint a complete picture of the industry and I learned tidbits worth time and money. Everything from the equipment to the hiring of staff and personnel and much much more was covered.
What do you hope people took away from your presentation about iCOMBAT?
I hope that they understand that our purpose here is to amplify the services that existing fields already offer in order to capture a wider demographic. This of course affects their bottom line. At the same time, we have the equipment and expertise to provide, equipment, software, and consulting to any operator hoping to start a facility offering his clients a 10X experience regardless of age.