A new update to the iCOMBAT Barracks has been released, completely revamping the site. The iCOMBAT Barracks is where players can check their stats, make reservations, and see the leaderboards. Operators also have the ability to manage their location from the Barracks, which includes setting session times, marketing, and more.
iCOMBAT is leading the world in tactical laser tag technology and the Barracks is just one of the core components setting iCOMBAT apart from the rest. Player ranking and stats are key to return customers. Have you ever played a video game that didn’t have leaderboards or statistics? The addiction is real! The new Barracks is designed to capture the first-person shooter enthusiasts, as well as all current iCOMBAT players.
The new Barracks has a much edgier design and combines iCOMBAT Tactical, Apocalypse, and the Management portal in one place. Simply select your preference, login, and you’re good to go! The Barracks is home to the leaderboards for each location or the entire world. Players can book and pay for reservations, as well as modify their profile and check their stats. Managers can log in and adjust their business info. The marketing portion and other features are coming very soon.
Check it out at barracks.icombat.com.