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Greetings, from beautiful, rainy Wisconsin! Ever get those days where you just don’t want to get out of bed? Neither do I! As crazy as it sounds, when you find something that you absolutely love to...

The new iCOMBAT Gaming Pistol!

The new iCOMBAT Gaming Pistol!

Are you ready to take your laser-tag business to the next level? Introducing, the iCOMBAT Gaming Pistol! Re-engineered and re-designed for gameplay, this pistol is the most realistic laser-tag...

ICE 5.0 is Here!

ICE 5.0 is Here!

ICE 5.0 was just released on Tuesday the 2nd. As you’ve probably noticed by now, your system will prompt you to download the latest and greatest update. Once that’s complete, plug in your equipment...

ICE 5.0 Coming August 2nd

ICE 5.0 Coming August 2nd

ICE 5.0 is almost here! Prepare yourselves… only 13 days left until the release we’ve been talking about and you’ve been waiting for! ICE 5.0 will be released on August 2nd, 2016! So first of all,...

The Apocalypse Experience

The Apocalypse Experience

Happy Summer! Hard to believe that Summer is here. 90 degrees comes with a lot of complaints, but then I remember how angry and bitter I am come 15 degrees with 2 feet of snow. Next comes Halloween....

New Hero Blast – Business In A Box

New Hero Blast – Business In A Box

One of the beautiful things about iCOMBAT is the versatility offered with all the equipment. Take our Hero Blast line for example. What’s Hero Blast you ask? Hero Blast is the greatest non-gun laser...

Keri’s Tactical Laser Tag Experience

Keri’s Tactical Laser Tag Experience

Let me tell you about the first time I played TACTICAL Laser Tag. I had played silly “birthday party” style laser tag before; complete with a “blow up” course (no offense to anyone who uses a...

Meet Keri!

Meet Keri!

First of all, let me introduce myself. The name’s Keri. Lover of all things video games, sporting events, Star Wars, laser tag, food, and nerd related. Although there is a love of purses, clothes,...