Lasertag 360
Our second Lasertag 360 has come and gone and again it is a magnificent show. Over 70 attendees meant that we keep breaking records of attendance. The keynote speech as well as two and a half days...
Farewell Barracuda
After 12 years of honorable service to the outdoor, indoor, mobile, tactical, paintball, haunt, rental, and game truck laser tag markets, we will be ceasing the manufacturing of the Barracuda line...
Laser Tag Center Opens in Alberta
Classified YYC is the first Laser Tag Center to open in Calgary, Alberta featuring iCombat Equipment! They have a state of the art indoor field featuring the irSMG. When you walk into the armory you...
Outdoor Laser Tag Field
Bullseye Virtual Combat in Flemington is one of only a few fields licensed in the world to utilizes iCombat Equipment outdoors. Their recent feature in ROI By Meg Fry highlights irSMGs exceptional...
iCombat CHICAGO 2 Year Anniversary: Featuring TiviaChick
Tiviachick Loves Laser Tag a laser tag enthusiast, visited our Chicago location for our 2 Year Anniversary. During this time she got to play on and tour iCombat’s two laser tag fields in our Chicago...
The Arches – zed events
Zed Events opened a field that gives players a tactical scare! Players are placed in an arena where a zombie uprising has taken over a town. Will you stay safe as you navigate through abandoned...
American Made
American Made by Ocie Mathina VP of Sales As I am nearing a decade of employment with iCombat I look back I feel not only proud of what we have accomplished as a company in the past 12 years of...
Hero Blast Academy – United Kingdom
iCombat Equipment strives to create the best and most advanced equipment on the market and technology this advanced can sometimes feel superhuman. A commercial released by the Hero Blast Academy...
Invictus Mounts
Invictus Mounts are here! We are now providing the perfect place for you to store and display your Invicuses! Check out the sleek design that will make the perfect new addition to your Airlock for...