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ARA Show

ARA Show

iCOMBAT attended the ARA (American Rental Association) show in Anaheim California from February 17th through February 20th. We have attended this show for almost a decade and it has always been a...

NEW UPDATE 1/21/19

NEW UPDATE 1/21/19

Lots of changes in this ICE+Barracks release coming out Monday (1/21/19). Check out this Announcement on Automated emails that have been added. In addition, we have updated the options page in ICE....

2018 recap with Ocie

2018 recap with Ocie

Well, I guess it is about that time to say goodbye to 2018! As 2018 comes to a close I can full-heartedly say I am sad to see it come to an end. December has come upon us all too soon and I am...

Franchise Referral Program

Franchise Referral Program

Do you love iCombat, do you know someone who loves iCombat? Get us an introduction or provide us with a qualified lead and receive a credit towards your account when they sign on as an iCombat...

End of the Year Price Slash!

End of the Year Price Slash!

iCombat is slashing the prices of inventory for the end of the year! First come first serve 20% discount on iCombat inventory. Orders must be paid the morning of December 29th!  This sale only...

Thank you to our clients!

Thank you to our clients!

We want to say thank you to our clients and fans for such an incredible year! The special is for the USA only. We are offering our Barracuda Business in a Box for only $2,600 and Hero Blast Business...

Riot on The Rock – Tournament Recap!

Riot on The Rock – Tournament Recap!

Sunday morning the players filled iCombat Chicago with excitement ready for the tournament to begin! This December's tournament teams had an immense amount of enthusiasm they created custom shirts,...

IAAPA 2018

IAAPA 2018

We have returned from our company’s 10th IAAPA of which I have attended the last 8. It was without a doubt an honor to attend and participate with the group of professional miscreants that are known...